Project Life: Week 6 (2013)


I’m playing a little catch-up with Project Life. I fell a couple of weeks behind because I was ignoring all of the things I set out to do with the project at the beginning of the year. My printer ran out of ink, and I wasn’t taking pictures or recording notes throughout the weeks. I have week seven almost done, and then I’ll be relatively caught up. It’s really important for me to keep up with this weekly because I love the project, and if I miss or skip weeks I think I’d be likely to drop the project entirely.


Super simple on the left side. My trusty black Zig pen, a couple of photographs and some white craft paper.


Super simple on the right side too. I didn’t have many photos, so I gathered some tweets and cut up my to-do list from Monday. I really like the washi tape on the date card. I love the little punches of orange and red in this spread.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back with week seven soon. I’m looking forward to being caught up again. If you’re working on Project Life, how’s it going for you? What is helping you stay on top of it?

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