Portland Color: Spring!


Spring is everywhere in Portland! It’s so lovely to see the vibrant colors popping up everywhere against the perpetual gray skies. Winter seems so long, rainy and gray here that it’s almost a shock when this happens. I forget that there will be days with an hour or more of light when I get home from work.

These are some of my favorite things happening right now: daffodils everywhere, tulips starting to bloom, cherry blossoms, trees with vibrant yellow blossoms. I’m taking advantage of the light after work to wander through my neighborhood. It has been fun to take walks for happiness, rather than being fitness focused. I’ve been stopping to take pictures, pet friendly cats, peek into gardens, and smell lovely plants and flowers. There is so much to see just in my little neighborhood. These walks make me feel more relaxed after work, and it’s easier to let go of any petty problems or worries that have followed me home.

I’ve been thinking about making lists of things I want to do for each season to make sure I don’t miss any of my favorite things. So far on the spring list:

  • Go to the Japanese Garden
  • Plant tomatoes
  • Walk to Whole Foods with Bill more
  • Take pictures of the cherry blossoms by waterfront
  • Sit outside with a sketchbook on sunny days
  • Go to the coast or Hood River
  • Walk to the park with the dogs more
  • Make salads from farmer’s market food

This weekend I’ll be spending Easter with my sister and Bill at the Chinese Garden. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a happy holiday. I would love to hear what’s on your spring list in the comments!

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