Five Years in Oregon!

Five years ago today I arrived in Oregon from California by way of Nebraska. Five years! I fell hard for Portland immediately after arriving to visit my sister here in November 2006. I remember the reveal of the stunning trees on Sunset Highway when I came out of the tunnel and knew this was where I wanted to be. A couple of days after I returned to California I made the decision to move here.

I love everything about Portland: downtown, food carts, tree-lined streets, farmers markets, Saturday Market, Council Crest Park, Central Library, Hotcake House, Vista Bridge, the bronze animal sculptures on Yamhill and Morrison, Powell’s, waterfront, Cupcake Jones, Oregon Zoo, Crystal Ballroom, the Max, art everywhere, blackberries & blueberries, the rain. I’ll even forgive Pioneer Courthouse Square for breaking my ankle. This is home to me.

To celebrate the anniversary, here are my top ten Oregon moments. ♥ ♥ ♥

01. My sister and I doing unspeakable things to a turkey to get it to defrost on Thanksgiving 2007.

02. Driving around in the snow with Leslie during the freak snow storm in December 2008. The snow was like a fairy tale. Until I realized how hard it is to get around in the snow by public transportation.

03. Cooking couscous and chicken & pineapple kabobs over the fire on my first ever camping trip.

04. Picking up the keys to my sunny little downtown studio apartment.

05. Many nights spent drinking raspberry lambics out of tall glasses at the Dublin Pub with good friends.

06. Falling for Bill on a four hour walk through downtown Portland and the Pearl.

07. Walking over the Burnside and Morrison bridges and picking blackberries along the waterfront with my dad in summer 2010.

08. Hosting my first party in an apartment that was all mine. 20+ people in a 400 square foot apartment!

09. Journaling with Hilary outside at the South Park Blocks.

10. Annual trips to Crafty Wonderland with my sister to buy each other our Christmas gifts.

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