Sunday Seven: Best/Worst List of 2012

Looking back over my personal events of 2012, these were the ones that shaped the year for me. It would have been a better year had I not broken my ankle, but there were some silver linings to even that part. I’m looking forward to using the last day of the year to set some 2013 goals, and drink ginger ale at midnight (tradition for my family). Wishing you a happy last day of 2012!

01. Moving to NE Portland. (January) We were barely even looking for a new apartment when Bill found this little gem in NE Portland. It’s charming, quiet and located close to a neighborhood with cute shops and yummy restaurants. Making the move back to Portland after a year of living in Beaverton was the perfect start to 2012. The best thing about this apartment is that we chose it together, and it feels like home.


02. Weekend Trip to NYC. (January) I was lucky to have had to fly to New York for work at the end of January, and was able to tack on a weekend after my work was finished. I fell in love with the city, and remembered my love of solo travel and exploring new cities. The energy there was infectious. I can’t wait to return for a longer visit.

03. Saturday Painting Class. (April) Starting to paint again was challenging, but after a few weeks into the class it made me so happy. This was a fun and relaxing all day Saturday class. I learned that I love painting with very tiny brushes, and I love painting pattern and texture. One of my classmates remarked that my paintings looked like fabric, which I thought was one of the best compliments I could receive. I’m looking forward to getting back into painting like this in 2013.


04. Week with Bill in Maui. (May) I was very fortunate to have been recognized with an award at my day job, which allowed Bill and I to travel to Maui. We spent a week (including our three year anniversary on 5/25!) in Kaanapali, and it was the most fun/romantic week I’ve ever had. We snorkeled, hiked, sat in the sun, ate at markets, saw mongoose, ate shave ice, took lots of photos, and really, truly rested.


05. Breaking my Ankle. (June) I took one wrong step on the first day of summer, and it instantly changed what I thought 2012 was going to be like. There were lots of lows: two surgeries, agonizing weeks of immobility, months of physical therapy, continued swelling and pain. To my surprise, there were also lots of blessings: meeting my broken ankle buddy, Gayle, learning to slow down (for a while), learning to walk again, seeing how much Bill loves me through his care, realizing how strong my body can be. I’m lucky to be standing on the other side of it now, and am looking forward to the journey of regaining more strength in 2013.


06. Starting this Blog. (August) I’ve had so much fun writing and sharing my art through this blog. I’ve met loads of artists who inspire me daily through their own blogs, and Instagram posts. I started a daily pattern challenge in November 2012 (thanks to Anika). I’m looking forward to continuing to share my artwork here in 2013. Thank you to everyone who has visited, commented and offered support!

07. Losing Charlotte. (November) It’s a bummer to end on a low note, but I composed this post chronologically. After twelve years together, I had to put my kitty Charlotte down in November due to some liver problems and a very large cyst. She was a brave, sweet girl.

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!

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