Project Life: Week 5 (2013)


It feels like this year is already flying by! I can’t believe I’m already finished with week five of Project Life. I did a lot of handwriting this week because I wanted to get the spread done quickly. It’s more important to finish this every week than it is to get too fancy. I think that was one of the reasons I quit last year. It took me so long to do every spread because I tried to make them absolutely gorgeous.


Top right is an index card cut in half. I like how it looks, and will probably repeat this. I liked that it already had lines for my writing. Bottom right has the inside of a W-2 envelope as the background, as that has been the project consuming my time at work. I was very happy to have wrapped that up this week.


Top photo is from printmaking class. I thought it would be fun to document the blocks, and not just the final output. Bottom right is a fun little printout from Facebook.

That’s about it for this week. Super simple! I’m loving seeing my album fill up with pages, so I’m motivated to keep going, even on the weeks that it feels like not much was happening.

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