Printmaking: Project #1


Printmaking project #1 is complete! Our objective was to create a print that had a good balance of white and black. For class on Saturday, I need to turn in six of my best prints. I laid all of the prints on my bed tonight to whittle it down to the best six (out of fifteen).

I spent about two hours last Saturday making these prints on the press in class. I had done a couple of test prints on newsprint, and then finally decided to jump in with the good paper (Rives BFK). I think I am learning that the key to doing this is to wash your hands all the time. I ruined a couple of my best prints with thumbprints, and I definitely don’t want to repeat that again. It’s also a challenge printing during class because there is only one press, and over twenty students.


Pictured above is the best print. For this image, I was inspired by Google Maps. I stitched together two screenshots from Visalia, CA to get the geometric design. I really wanted to play around with texture and learning how to carve on the linoleum block, so I made up a lot of the designs by finding different ways to use the carving tools.


This is sort of dorky to admit, but it was super fun to sign all of the prints. I felt like a real artist when they were all signed. My hands were shaking because I only have six prints that I feel comfortable turning in for the grade, and I was afraid my hand would slip while I was signing them. For my own reference, here’s a link to an article on how to sign art prints.

My next project is a reduction print. I’m doing another geometric pattern using lime green, turquoise or dark blue and black. I’ll post some pictures of the print as I do each layer for my next printmaking update.

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