Merry Day After Christmas


I’m back from a week spent in Columbus, OH with my boyfriend’s family. We were lucky and had snow only one day (sideways snow!). It was enough to cover the ground and make everything sparkly white and Christmas-ey, but not enough to cause any trouble getting around. While we were there we saw an Annie Leibovitz exhibit, ate delicious Thurman burgers and took photos of murals in the Short North.

Our return home was not as pleasant with a long mechanical delay, a nearly missed connecting flight, and luggage that is still in transit. I’m sitting at home patiently waiting for my suitcase to arrive so that I can finish uploading the rest of my photos to Instagram. I thought as I packed my camera that I should be putting it in my carry-on bag, and I should have listened to my intuition!

I love the Christmas season, but I’ve always loved the week after even more. New Year’s Day is my favorite holiday. I love the clean slate of a new year. Anything seems possible. The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is my favorite time for reflection, goal-setting and dreaming up new projects for the next year. I’m looking forward to getting back to a regular blogging schedule in January. Over the next week I’ll be posting an update to my 33 Things in Year 33 post, sharing my plans for keeping up with a Project Life album and wrapping up the December Pattern a Day Challenge.

Wishing for all of you a creative week leading up to new year!

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