Finding Magic


Sometimes a few days can pass by, one day blending into the next. Nothing special, nothing to recall. And then sometimes, something magic will happen. If you’re lucky, you’ll notice it. If you’re smart, you’ll capture it as a reminder that beauty is always just around the corner.

This was what was waiting for me when I got home from work today. The petals fell off of the trees while I was gone, and the asphalt in front our apartment was so evenly covered. It looked like a blanket of confetti, or a polka dotted parking lot. I was so happy to have been there in that moment.

Speaking of magic… do you remember when blogs were new, and we were all so closely intertwined through blog posts and link lists? Tammy from Daisy Yellow is on a mission to revive link love! She has proposed that we commit to sharing at least five links four times in April. There is so much beauty and magic out there, so let’s share it!

Head over to Daisy Yellow if you’d like to join in the link love! I’d also love to hear about unexpected magic you’ve found this week in the comments!

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